Featured News UK

Transport for London issues apology for Scientology ads, denies breaking rules

TFL has issued an apology for causing offence by allowing three Scientology billboards to be displayed at Tottenham Court Road Underground station, but denied the campaign broke advertising rules.

Featured Government News UK

Scientologist teachers in hot water after falsely claiming Council endorsement

A private tuition company run by two Church of Scientology London staff members has removed misleading claims that they have a partnership with West Sussex County Council, after they were found out to be false.

Featured News UK

Scientology launch controversial London Underground ad campaign

The Church of Scientology’s new marketing campaign is causing a stir in London after a user posted a photo of their latest ad on the London Underground system.

Featured News UK

Scientology Volunteer Ministers target children at UK hospitals

Volunteer Ministers based at the Church of Scientology’s UK headquarters near East Grinstead have been targeting children in hospitals across the country, photos from the latest Saint Hillier magazine show.

Corruption Featured Government News UK

East Grinstead Mayor switched on Saint Hill lights despite backlash from local residents

The Mayor of East Grinstead, Steve Ody, attended the Church of Scientology’s Saint Hill headquarters in November in an official capacity to turn on their Christmas lights at an elaborate ceremony attended by their parishioners; despite previous criticism from residents and the national press.

Featured Government IAS Event News UK

Scientology ordered to remove 130ft ‘unauthorised structures’ opposite UK headquarters

The Church of Scientology are up in arms after being told to remove 130ft (40m) of hedge and concealed fencing erected on public land opposite their East Grinstead headquarters in an attempt to disrupt protestors.

Featured Government UK

UK politicians on Scientology: quotes from the Hansard Archive

In light of Scientology’s recent move to ban protestors outside their UK headquarters, here are a selection of excerpts from the Parliamentary archive where politicians raise concerns about their activities.

Corruption Fair Game Featured Government UK

Document reveals extensive Scientology intelligence gathering operation against UK officials

EXCLUSIVE – Leaked internal documents from Scientology’s ‘Office of Special Affairs’ (OSA) reveal Church officials engaged in an extensive intelligence-gathering operation against dozens of UK politicians and civil servants in an effort to establish who might be considered a ‘threat’ to the controversial organisation.

Featured Government UK

Scientology’s failed bid for UK charity status: 25 years on

25 years ago today, the Church of Scientology were rejected tax exemption by the United Kingdom’s Charity Commission. To mark the occasion, we revisit the 49-page ruling and comment on how it has impacted Scientology’s UK operations over the last 25 years.