Featured Government Ideal Orgs UK

Sunderland City Council: Museum to host Scientology fundraiser this Sunday

Scientology have been granted permission to use a municipality-owned property in Sunderland to host a fundraising event for their ‘Ideal Org’ program this weekend.

Europe Featured Ideal Orgs

EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Inner Circle at Scientology’s new Paris HQ

Last week, Scientologists from across Europe gathered to celebrate the opening of their latest ‘Ideal Org’ in Paris, France. Despite Police enforcing tight restrictions and Scientology’s best efforts to clear the area of protestors, Scientology Business journalist Callum Clark secured a spot and reports from inside the production team’s inner circle.

Europe Featured Ideal Orgs News

Deception, façades and fake fanfare: Scientology’s new $36 million Paris HQ opens

On 6th April, Scientology officially opened it’s new Paris ‘Ideal Org’, but mystery surrounds whether elusive leader David Miscavige was actually there in person.

COSRECI Ideal Orgs News

Abandoned: Inside the Manchester building Scientology has left empty for 16 years

16 years after Scientology’s purchase of the Duckworth’s Distillery building in Manchester, it sits empty and vacant and facing compulsory purchase by the council.