Corporate Structure COSRECI Featured

Complex web of Scientology corporations exposed

Following a lengthy investigation, Scientology Business has uncovered a complex web of corporations and shell companies used by the Church of Scientology to mask its multi-million dollar UK operations. Primarily functioning through the Australian-registered Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc [continue reading…]

Corporate Structure COSRECI Featured Finances Tax Exemption

Scientology’s UK Shell Companies

In the United Kingdom, Scientology operates through an Australian-registered charity named Church of Scientology Religious Education College, Inc. (COSRECI). However, when they applied (and were rejected) for charity status in 1999, they did so under another entity, Church of Scientology (England [continue reading…]

COSRECI Narconon People

Profile: Janet Laveau, Managing Director – Scientology UK

Who runs Scientology in the United Kingdom? Canadian-born Janet Laveau is listed as the Managing Director of the Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc (COSRECI), the Australian-registered charity through with Scientology runs its UK operation, but who is she and [continue reading…]