Corporate Structure COSRECI Featured

Complex web of Scientology corporations exposed

Following a lengthy investigation, Scientology Business has uncovered a complex web of corporations and shell companies used by the Church of Scientology to mask its multi-million dollar UK operations. Primarily functioning through the Australian-registered Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc [continue reading…]

COSRECI Government Tax Exemption

Why UK Tax Exemption is so Important for Scientology

Since being rejected by the Charity Commission in 1999, Scientology has been required to pay taxes on its activities in the UK. This includes business rates on its properties, VAT (sales tax) and corporation tax, which is currently set at 25% [continue reading…]

Corporate Structure COSRECI Featured News Tax Exemption

How Scientology Failed to Obtain Tax-Exempt Status in the UK

Scientology operates in the UK under an entity known as COSRECI, or Church of Scientology Religious Education College, Inc, which is an Australian-registered Charity that operates exclusively in the UK. The entirety of Scientology’s UK activities operate through COSRECI, including its [continue reading…]