Featured News UK

Protestors gather as Diane Abbott calls for Scientology fraud investigation

Protestors will gather today outside Scientology’s London headquarters at 146 Queen Victoria Street, calling for an end to abuse inside the organisation as former shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott calls for an HMRC fraud investigation

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HMRC responds to Diane Abbott’s call for UK Scientology fraud investigation

The Chief Executive of HM Revenue and Customs, the UK’s tax office, has responded to former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s request for an investigation into the Church of Scientology’s finances after she cited concerns over their “history of fraudulent activity internationally”.

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Leah Remini weighs in on Diane Abbott Scientology fraud investigation

Actress Leah Remini has issued a statement applauding former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott after a bombshell letter was released last week in which she urged UK authorities to investigate Scientology’s finances for fraudulent activity.

Featured News UK

Diane Abbott MP calls for fraud investigation into Scientology’s UK activities

Former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has written to the United Kingdom’s tax office (HMRC) calling for an investigation into the Church of Scientology and their finances, claiming “Scientology has a history of fraudulent activity internationally”.