Scientology’s plan to distribute a million ‘Truth About Drugs’ leaflets during the Paris 2024 Olympics has been met with fierce opposition by the French Government, who this weekend issued a statement warning the public against accepting the leaflets.
Miviludes, the government department responsible for “informing the public about the risks and dangers” of cults in France issued a press statement on Friday saying it “has received reports of the distribution of leaflets” by Scientology’s ‘Foundation for a Drug Free World’ in Paris, Marseilles and Angers, which are hosting various sporting events during this year’s Paris 2024 Olympics.
“Scientology representatives propose in particular to convert people on the occasion of a free personality test, the distribution of tracts or brochures, free “introductory” conferences, courses and study of “dianetics”, the learning and personal development methodology created by Ron Hubbard or any other “cultural” or “humanitarian” events” the statement warns.
It continues, “Scientology practices present risks of mental destabilisation, exorbitant financial demands, and disruption to family life.”
“Several representatives or organisations of Scientology have been the subject of judicial convictions in France: in 1997, conviction of the former president of Scientology in Lyon for involuntary manslaughter, following the suicide of a follower, and fraud; in 1999, conviction of five Scientologists for fraud by the criminal court of Marseille; and in October 2013, confirmation by the Court of Cassation of the conviction of two of the main French structures of Scientology (the ‘Spiritual Association Church of Scientology – Celebrity Center’ and its bookstore), for organised fraud , aggravated receiving stolen goods , extortion, to fines totalling €600,000, of four of its directors to suspended prison sentences and fines for the same acts, and finally of two other managers to fines for illegal practice of pharmacy.”

Last month, we reported Scientology planned to distribute a million ‘truth about drugs’ booklets on the streets of Paris for the Olympics, and according to an article in Le Parisien Scientology claim to have made major headway. “Trucks with screens drove around the capital, broadcasting ads from the association, and on July 30, volunteers boarded a barge on the Seine, displaying banners in the colours of the association, which announced the distribution in one week of more than 700,000 of these booklets, presented as containing “factual information on the dangers of drugs, [enabling] everyone to make an informed decision about drug use”… without mentioning any explicit link with Scientology.”
Concerns were raised with Miviludes after pharmacies were spotted throughout Paris with the Scientology booklets placed on their counters. It responded by alerting the Order of Pharmacists the campaign was an attempt to “take advantage of the Olympic Games to promote the Church of Scientology under the guise of prevention.”
Eric Roux, President of Scientology’s European operation told Le Parisien “The Church is currently sponsoring, with the help of the International Association of Scientologists, the largest drug prevention campaign ever conducted in our country,” but was called out by the newspaper, which noted he failed to provide “the slightest fact to confirm his statements.”

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